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Saturday, 31 March 2012

Deal Boat - (10x7)

I have always been a bit of a sucker for boats, it reminds me of holidays. Small fishing boats like this one on the beach at Deal along the Kent Coast make great subjects to paint.

Bluebell Wood

Anyone who is interested in painting has probably had a go at this sort of picture. This my version with "me" walking through a local wood.  

Prospect Cottage - (10x7)

Watercolour painting of Prospect Cottage at Dungeness. It's black timbers stand out on the shingle at the seas edge. The former home of film-maker Derek Jarman.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Getting Started

It has been a few years since I started painting. I can remember first getting inspired by watching Charles Evans on TV. He has a no nonsense approach to painting making it look easy and hassle free. For anyone interested in watercolour painting, his website is an excellent place to start.

Enjoy your painting!